This episode revolved around DUI and the holiday season. Jim
and I discussed what rights people have during a DUI traffic stop, DUI sobriety
checkpoints and whether roadside sobriety exercises are mandatory, or even
fair. We also talked about breath, blood and urine testing and driver license
suspensions that stem from a DUI arrest.
Jim's viewer's wanted to know what the penalties are for a
DUI conviction in Florida and we went into some detail on that topic. We
discussed how there are potential, long-term, negative collateral consequences
that could flow from a DUI conviction including strangled employment
opportunities, increased insurance rates and even immigration concerns. Did you
know that Canada will turn you away at the border if they discover a U.S. DUI
conviction on your record, unless you undergo a 5-year rehabilitation period?
We also discussed the concerns over distracted driving,
which poses an even greater safety risk than DUI. A study by Car and
Driver magazine concluded that reaction time and stopping distance was more
severely affected by texting and reading e-mail than it was by driving with a
blood alcohol of .08.
Listen to the interview by clicking here.
Listen to the interview by clicking here.
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